Anytime I close my eyes to sleep, the whole Citadel of Kwii comes to life. My variants, all across the multiverse assemble. My perceptions, mood, feelings; each independent of himself. Infinite versions of me, Kwii, diverse in every composition but same in composture.
It is a probability storm that reproduced him in every possible way. Over time, I understood that discovery beats routine. This changed my life.
In the cosmos of our mind, there exist different universes, galaxies, worlds, planets, timelines, loops, whatever you want to call it.
Credence to the Creator for the gift of procreation, we bring these things to life. In each of these, a version of ourselves exist, unaware of other worlds.
We create our own variants in different timelines and send them off to live, exist on their own, independent of ourselves unless we prune them.
Otherwise, they live, without knowing other same exist, no contact whatsoever, untill Kwii showed everyone how.
Him is the Supreme Kwii, because He is Him, and all answers to Him, because He is Him.
So now, every time we choose which to one to wear, like a garment and our favourite becomes the dominating.
There was a multiversal war, that almost wiped out every Kwii from existence. It was a civil war that would have blotted all from existing in it's aftermath.
It put the whole Cosmos at risk of bleaking out of existence, for all lays in the hands of Him. He holds the keys to life, because the Creator gave him credence.
Anyways this battle, fought eons of years to come was voided by the Supreme Kwii.
While each other Kwii fought for control and ultimate power to explore the multiverse like a garden, He sought to grow it, pruning any timeline rogue.
The Creator sent Him from the present and He united all Kwii together. And for life, He and He alone has the unfortunate task to care for this Cosmos.
By an oversight however of the Creator, He assembled the Citadel of Kwii.
War ended, sores licked, wounds patched and the alliance was birthinged. Each Kwii works for this purpose. For they are Him, and Him is they.
So, powered with fuels from billions of shards of planets, from remains of dying stars, dim suns, weakened comets and asteroids, the Citadel lives, to save us, so that you and I exist. Thanks to the Creator for giving Him credence. The Supreme Kwii holds us safe, for now.
The end (For Now).
©️ Shallom