Four Sundays of April: The Love

Love. Let's talk about love
Is it anything and everything you hoped for
I know the feeling haunt you, or don't the feeling haunt you

That strong feeling of attraction to the unlikely person
All of a sudden you can't help but stare continuously at her
Your mind always bring images of her gorgeous visage
That's when her ebony skin stands out and shine like bronze exposed to the blazing sun, melanin popping
And her lips looking so succulent and soft 
Her eyes begin to shoot darts of deflecting lights and when she barts her eye lashes, God it's heavenly
Talk about her long straight legs, complimenting her wide hips
Her bust standing so firm, damn perky tits

That's when your heart begins pumping excess blood all round
Your legs tremble at her presence
You begin to steal glances every now and then
You google stalk her and like her every posts
Sometimes you cat fish just to know more bout her 
Her entire existence is mesmerising to you
She's a stimuli you can't resist responding to

Lord you feel like plies those her killer smiles they gon kill you
And that's so amazing, well she so amazing
Damn you're down for her body and so crazy you willing spend blue on it
She wan you to buy her Mercedes you turn to the hood and you fucking lazy
She pulled up in the coupe now you need a stable
You like Will Smith, she should be your Jada

All her flaws become bygones and begone in the wind
She being the hoe and belonging to the streets matter no more
Her bitching around don't shake your guts
What should make you suspicious render you careless
You consider not her shittiness no more
That coochie got you bozo
You just went loco mehn, simping motherfucker
Continous and persistent want 
Effortless yearning for her, hoe and all

See love is blind, love is stupid, love is risk, you know that shii
But with her, love is gorgeous, love is beautiful, love is amazing
You wanna take her hands and walk the worlds with her
You want to draw close to her and get a whiff waff of her soft skin
You need no other argument, no other plea
It is certain and sure what you feel
This feel you feel for her is love perfect or imperfect

INTERLUDE: Enters Tsulisime

For subjects that elude humanity. 
This is an optical illusion that hides who you are, like a mirror on a random street in New York. 
You see an image but it falls short of your expectations. 
It could expose you to the depths you've buried deep inside your skin.
Love is beautiful, not the type that creak when unbalanced, 
Hibiscus and tulips envy, for roses haven't seen this beauty. 
It is the tiniest of sparks that will set your soul aflame and let you burn on a stake for all to see. 

Love is a weapon of offence, 
Defense and whatever you make of it. 
It is also a murder weapon that kills faster than the weight of betrayal. 

Love is a fringe benefit of existing, unlike the gift of fire. 
Our lives should not be placed on a pedestal for it. 

Find it within yourself, for only the bravest try. 
I know it kills, but we all die in the end. 
It's worth the shot, so pick your poison. 

©️ Hypeman et Tsulisime.