Lancelot and Gwendolyn

Y'all know the Pendragon story, Guy Ritchie's adaptation rii, cool.
King Arthur, with the Knights of the Round Table defeated the tyrannical King Vortigen with help from the unnamed mage.
But this is a different story, the one no one told you and you didn't care to find out. 

Main Shii
Arthur Pendragon, having defeated his uncle Vortigen on the ruins of the tower of Modred.
His first two years on his rightful throne were lavished on eliminating other threats, making treaties and generally ensuring peace to pave way for normalcy distorted by the past Monarch.
Successful he was, having the Excalibur always and flanked by the Knights of the Round Table, headed by Lord Bedivere, Lord Percival, Lord Gundor, Sir Bandwidth, Sir Tristan, Lord Williams (Goosefat Bill), Sir Vandressor, Sir George, Sir Mike (Flat nose), Lord Credence and Lord Lancelot.
A major ingredient of course is Merlin. Yes, the Maje King rose from his limbo as a result of the death of Vortigen.
Now having been betrothed to Guinevere, daughter of Sir Leodegrance , Squire of Carmelide, King Arthur and his Knights went on the voyage to bring back the bride of the King leaving Merlin to watch the throne and indeed the Kingdom.
Now coming upon the County of Henchshaw, camping close to the forest of Xemandor.
Service and entertainment was provided to the guests by the natives as merrying and partying began till late night for the nuptials.

Bored by the party and it's ingredients, Lord Lancelot wandered into the Xemandor, alone but fully kitted for war as always. Simultaneously, Guinevere also excused herself from the ceremony.

Lancelot settled by a pond, then a figure swam towards him, on alert as always, positioned himself for an offensive and then a now rustic 'Guinevere' emerged from the waters
Sheathing his sword, Lancelot was startled, but he kept his peace and shut his fucking mouth.
 "Bored by the party I guess" she joked.
" Not everyone enjoys company of people you know" he replied.
"Cheeky and true" She replied.
"If so be true, I'll love to have some privacy if you do not mind" he said, rather harshly.
"Rude to ask me out of my forest"
"Your forest" he exclaimed in surprise at such audacity. He then walked to a considerable distance and continued " Under the decree of King Arthur no one lays claim to any land without approved purchase and this forest milady happens to be royal territory"
"Says the conqueror to the conquered" she said sarcastically.
And then the chatter went on, Lancelot finding himself drawn to 'Guinevere' and she drawn to him too and an unlikely chemistry brewed, permissive but practically wrong too, who cares anyway.
Juicy rii, love at first sight, both strangers linked with an unprecedented mixture of disdain at first, then attraction and what the mediaevals will call love, butterflies in their bellies.
All was well until the whistling of an arrow pierced through the left thigh of a bewildered 'Guinevere', blood oozing out like a fountain hole.
"Guinevere" Lancelot yelled.
"Guinevere? Who is Guinevere" 'Guinivere' asked.
A now petrified Lancelot gave a confused face, tilting his head to the left, which she noticed and continued.
"My name is Gwendolyn, keeper of the Forest and now someone's trying to kill us"
More confused now, but determined to live, Lancelot faced the oncoming riders, resembling the now disbanded Black Legs, shot at the first rider with his sling, ran forward and swiftly fired arrows at the other five with his bow, all clean headshots.

Lifting the now unconscious Gwendolyn due to blood loss unto a horse, he rode towards the party, avoiding incoming riders too, only to be welcomed with heavy fighting from the Knights and Black Legs.
"My King, Lancelot has the Dame sir" Lord Percival yelled.
"Bedivere, lead your riders after the traitor" the King ordered.

Even more confused as his own country men, in his own flag and colours chasing him, Lancelot turned swiftly and rode the opposite way
Reaching a cliff, he jumped and descended deep down into a lake, beside the massive waterfall.

Fights' now ended, victory to Camelot, the Knights assembled before the King as Bedivere gave his report.
"What will you have us do my Liege" Lord Percival asked.
"Bedivere, WetStick, George and Vendressor, ready your men and ride back to Camelot, take charge of the Kingdom and it's affairs alongside Merlin. I'll manhunt the traitor myself with the rest of you" King Arthur said as he got on his horse.
"Yes my King" was the echo as everybody followed orders.

The end? no fucking way!

"Oh my dearest Lord Lancelot, thou hast bewitched me with thy fine talk and beautiful face"
"Lady Gwendolyn my loveliest it is thee who have charmed me, knowest thou not that I was never in this fashion or manner"
"What fashion or manner thou talks about my love"
"Oh gracious beauty thy know what I speak of, pretend to it not"
"Good heavens, I speak of the truth Lancelot. Tell me I beseech thee what fashion or manner thou talks about"
"This fashion and manner I mean, that I, sworn slayer of men, pride of the King's court, forebearer of the army's banner, a knight of rigid and strong heart. Yet thee Lady Gwendolyn have made me soft and continuously delight to be with thee even more every day that passes the sands of time"
"Is that so? I'm flattered to hear it from thine lips but be it known to thee Lord Lancelot, thee have made me to solely think of thee as the one fountain which I take delight of daily in the courtiers of the other maidens"
"Ahh milady, thine words have have shattered the walls of strongtitude in me. Will thou make me the happiest of men and be my bride of everyday"
"Lord Lancelot I cannot hide my blushes, how can I refuse this request from you who have made me feel empty without you. Yes I will be your bride of everyday. I shall bear thy children. Our love will be eternal, it will be spoken of in all nations"
"And our names will be written in the stars"

Credence to the Creator.
Family and friends,
Team Hypeman and WritersGrimm,
Illminds and Oma Ryma,
Guy Ritchie and Charlie Hunnam,
Mode Piano and Zicham,
ML Dark and Koka,
Thank you for everything, see y'all on the winning side.

Mid Credits Scenes
"Lookey here boys, a lost Dame, a lost belt, a lost bird that never learnt to fight, cheers to Lady Guinevere"
"Yayyyyyyyy, Huzzah, Huzzah, Huzzah" as chattering and laughter hovered round the hideous cave of the damned.
"Who are you guys? Where am I? Who are you" Guinevere asked frightened.
"My name is Morgana, daughter of King Vortigen. Nice to meet you.

Pen fucking out
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