The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper,
Known to all,
Highly anticipated.
Daffodils tremble at his cite,
Infants tear up to his quote.
The Grim Reaper,
Deep in the dark,
High up the steeps,
Far in the unknown,
He's a motherfucker.
The Grim Reaper,
Scared of no one,
Not even the one being,
Who do you think you are.
The Grim Reaper,
Marker of orphans,
Begotten of widows.
Terminator of all life,
Ender plays his game.
Tremble at his name.
The Grim Reaper,
Eater of fear from plates of wood,
And dust and ash,
To dot from crust and crumbs,
His appetite is distinctive,
Nothing you'll ever savour.
The Grim Reaper,
Ultimate portal,
Straight in some abstract realm,
Outlaw King of doom,
A tyrannical gladiator,
He'll be thrown down soon.
The Grin Reaper,
He comes deep,
A sharp creeker,
Bold like a Southern preacher,
Soothing waters of a river,
Blasting sounds of the horner
Horrible like the house elf Kreacher
Without valor of Julio Cesar,
The Grim Reaper,
He don't rejoice,
Not even in victory,
Sing on Victony,
We've got the power,
Death's just the means to another end?
Christ's eternal life supersedes his whims.
Pen out.
©️ Shallom