"...From the streets she did emerge and the streets she shall return"
- Niggalations 5:41B
Niggalations, the unwritten book of Negro teachings,
The lost book of nigga philosophy,
Authored by unknown philosophers throughout the history of Aframericans,
Inspired by perc and lean.
Analysts call it the most diverse ideology towards misogyny.
This philosophy is code,
And code is the law.
Mary, 16 year old virgin betrothed to Joseph son of Jacob,
Now she's pregment, of the Lord she said.
Dude Joseph, not simping one bit tried to chicken out cos he ain't having that shii.
The Lord God sent Gabriel the Archangel to forewarn that this kid to be born is the Lord himself,
To be incarnate of human form and Mary is to be the carrier.
Joseph on his part to be the foster father and love him as his own.
God is overall and he did so, and the became the Holiest family ever.
They was meek and humble to the core,
Citing their peasant status,
And cut their coats according to their sizes.
But they know their story and enjoyed being worthy of this privileged to be serfs of God.
They was poor and broke, never wretched tho, so the kid should taste humanity first hand,
That's by the way tho.
Now in our time, time of the Perc and Molly,
Offered by Lord Future himself,
To take out every act of chivalry from the face of the earth,
To liberate every simp and make em pimps,
Now say Mary was some girl in Harlem, NYC,
Or Downtown Atlanta, Georgia,
Living in one of em stacked up projects.
Then Joseph a perced up nigga,
Aspiring rapper whose a crack dealer with some court cases,
Feeding off food stamps,
Strict disciple of Pastor Hendrix,
Hearing the news, he'll definitely send her back to the trenches,
He ain't gon simp, he'll pimp,
Send her to the streets she didn't belong.
Long story short, the saviour without an earthly father.
But, the narrative wouldn't be different tho anyhow you see it,
Talking about the sweet nativity story,
Okay maybe the setting and some prelude of events but Jesus would've been born all the same.
God is omniscient, He's got the all seeing eye remember.
God foresees and lay out plans.
He sent His word and set us free and no one, nothing even,
Not what we could decipher can stop His plans.
Y'all know why, because Him is God,
Him is sovereign,
Him is King.
It wasn't up to Mary to accept the birth, it was said of her long before so she fell in place.
It wasn't up to Joseph to make foster the virgin's birth.
Perc times or not ain't nothing gon stop it.
Herod and his table couldn't do shii even with all they thought they did.
Yo, not even fucking Lucifer could stop the plan.
If it wasn't different then, it can't be now, never even.
His power never rescinds yohhh.
Now that's God's plan.
God is Sovereign Lord of all Creation,
He does His shii, and we all just applaud and do our part.
We are nothing but pencils in His hands ,
Mere instruments for his peace,
What an honour for we unworthy men.
The gift we had,
That we be saved from our foolishness and sin,
That overwhelming neverending reckless love saved us.
Credence to you oh Creator.
Romans 8:29 - 30 (Amplified Version)
- For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren.
- And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].
Pen out.
©️ Shallom